LOVE Nova Scotia’s donors make it possible for us to continue providing high-quality support to youth.
$15 enables one youth to attend one session of LOVE’s programs, including a meal and transportation.
$250 provides food at program for one LOVE youth for a year.
$350 brings one LOVE youth to the NS Leadership Retreat, with Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth from across the province.
We provide tax deductible receipts.
Friends of LOVE Nova Scotia
We are grateful to all the generous individuals, corporations, foundations and government bodies that have committed to ensuring the mental, emotional and social well-being of our youth:
Bryant Realty - Clearwater - Dalhousie University - McInnes Cooper - Royal Bank of Canada - Sobeys - The Halifax Assistance Fund
Federal - Service Canada
Province of Nova Scotia - Office of Addictions and Mental Health - Department of Community Services - Department of Justice - Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration - Department of Community, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Arts Community Culture Economics - Association of Fundraising Professionals NS - Benevity Community Impact Foundation - CanadaHelps - Canadian Red Cross - Canadian Women’s Foundation - Halifax Public Libraries - J&W Murphy Foundation - Law Foundation of Nova Scotia - Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia - United Way Halifax - Windsor Foundation
Individual, Families or Groups
Anonymous Donor - Amber Arbique - Joshua Beck - Paul Beck - Jesse Blackwood - Aaron Joseph Clarke - Catherine Ellen Dalton - Eileen Fearon - Karen Gross - Michael Hanlon - Stephen and Patricia Harwood - Jason Haslam - Dash Hudson - Amanda Huntington - Jillian Kendrick - Nanci Lee - Michelle Lemieux - Philip Love - Mathew Lumley - Annick MacAskill - Anne MacLaren - Rod Maclean - Janice Maloney - Elizabeth Abbie Martyn - Christine Oreskovich - Robyn Schleihauf - Jesse Sharratt - John Thompson and Jenny Fearon - Elaine Write - Lois Whitehead - Drew Yamada and Jennifer Adcock
Bravespace - Colchester County Mental Health - Dalhousie School of Social Work - Dartmouth High School - John Martin Junior High School - L’nu Sipuk Kina’muokuom School - Halifax West High School - Citadel High School - Oxford Junior High School - Membertou Heritage Park - Nelson Whynder Elementary School - North Preston Community Centre - The Peoples’ Counselling Clinic - University of King’s College - YouthNet - Hope Blooms - LET’s Care Collective
AfterWords Literary Festival - Chartwells - Halifax Wanderers - Hope Blooms - HMCS King’s Wardroom - Salesforce
This list reflects donors from our most recent fiscal year. It is updated annually. If you have donated to LOVE in the previous fiscal year and are not listed here, please contact info@lovenovascotia.ca to have your donation accurately reflected.