Our Impact
We’re passionate about our youth.
When it comes to the positive impacts on healthy relationships for youth, the research is conclusive.
According to experts:
Statistically, kids who have higher quality relationships with peers have better overall health.
Healthy eating increases as the quality of youth relationships with their neighbourhoods increase.
As relationship quality with school increases, fighting decreases.
High quality relationships also lead to a nearly 20% reduction in cannabis use, more than 15% reduction in alcohol consumption, and over 10% reduction in smoking and hard drug use.
Kids with healthy relationships with peers see a 20% decrees in victimization respectively.
Source: Trends Analysis of Canadian Data from the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) survey from 2002, 2006, and 2010 (2014) by Drs. Wendy Craig and Debra Pepler

Our healthy relationships are based on 4 principles.
Accepting each person as they are, creating an environment of honesty and respect.
Inclusive and non-judgmental.
Responsive to the realities of our youth and communities.
Trusted to do what we say we are going to do.
So that’s what the experts say, but what do LOVE youth think?
100% of youth agreed or strongly agreed that they have access to a supportive group of people.
67% of youth agreed or strongly agreed that they are doing better in school
83% of youth agreed or strongly agreed that because of LOVE, they are better able to cope when things go wrong.
90% of youth agreed or strongly agreed that LOVE provides the services they need.
93% of youth agreed or strongly agreed that they can get services at LOVE when they need them.
80% of youth agreed or strongly agreed that they feel more confident in themselves.
70% of youth agreed or strongly agreed that they have the skills to solve difficult problems
83% of youth agreed or strongly agreed that they believe they can handle unexpected situations.
73% of youth agreed or strongly agreed that they are working to change their community for the better.
100% of youth indicated that LOVE brought positive change to their lives.
Over the past 20 years, LOVE has been working with youth one-on-one to transform their lives. These youth have access to 24/7 support of an on-staff registered social worker and youth workers.
LOVE provides close to 1200 hours of one-on-one support, outside of our regular programming.
7,800 contacts by phone, text, and messaging
More than 120 contacts by youth who are not currently active within our core programs, but who rely on our staff for support with issues such as housing, job references, parenting support, mental health crises, and career and educational planning
8 youth-driven programs across Nova Scotia, including media arts and leadership programs, in-school programs, and programs in the Mi’kmaq communities of Sipekne’katik and Membertou
400 hours of programming to youth
2,880 meals to youth every year
3,000 bus tickets to youth every year